DHS International is a provider of domain names to the Internet community. Providing such services as
domain names and web re-direction, DHS today serves over 220,000 users world wide with the help of many volunteers
across the Internet.
DHS is funded by contributions, fees, advertising and sponsorship. This allows DHS to provide it's services at low cost to the Internet users while those who wish to contribute can help with the growth and continuing support of the organization and it's services.
Please use the links on the menu on the side to learn more about DHS and how you can help DHS continue it's work.
DHS a service for the people by the people
Privacy Statement
Except as otherwise agreed to within this site DHS International agrees that all information including, without limitation, any business and financial information, customer and vendor lists, and pricing and sales information, concerning us or you, respectively, or any of our users provided by or on behalf of any of them shall remain strictly confidential and secret and shall not be utilized, directly or indirectly, by DHS for its own business purposes or for any other purpose except for the provision of services and solely to the extent that any such information is generally known or available to the public or through a source or sources other than such party hereto or its members. Notwithstanding the foregoing, DHS International will deliver a copy of any such information (a) to any person pursuant to a subpoena issued by any court or administrative agency, (b) to its accountants, attorneys or other agents on a confidential basis, and (c) otherwise as required by applicable law, rule, regulation or legal process.
This site, DHS International, uses the services of third parties, such parties will be bound by the same privacy restrictions as DHS International.