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DHS Introduction


DHS International is a provider of services to the Internet community, ranging from domain names to web redirection and other services. DHS International aims to provide high quality services through the help of contributions and volunteer assistance from the Internet community.

Making a Payment
Payments can be made through the website at the Contribute Page.

For further details, select Support/Payment FAQ from the side menu.

DHS International Today

[01/10/2024 9:24 AuEST]

Still plugging along, systems should be up to date and working normally.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[16/08/2024 15:20 AuEST]

Sorry, had another stint in hospital. Back on deck again now.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[24/04/2024 12:10 AuEST]

Back on deck and all caught up I believe.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[16/03/2024 14:43 AuEST]

I'm going in for surgery next Wednesday and will not have access to my systems for awhile. Do not worry, any payments or email will be responded to once I'm out and back on my feet.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[19/02/2024 20:59 AuEST]

Sorry, processing of payments may be delayed until the weekend. All payments will be acknowledged over the next week.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[06/02/2024 15:10 AuEST]

Sorry, I've been ill lately but seem to be on mend now. Return emails are being sent again now.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[26/01/2023 11:45 AuEST]

Australia Day, let us celebrate being Australian and still kicking :)!
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[28/05/2022 170:15 AuEST]

You may notice I've changed from https on the site. This is to do with TTL errors, hopefully back soon.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[02/04/2021 13:40 AuEST]

For those who celebrate it, Happy Easter. May we all prosper and live well for the rest of the year.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[20/03/2021 16:50 AuEST]

Normal services have resumed. If you are still having issues it is most likely the DNS needing to propagate, it will come good.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[20/03/2021 15:05 AuEST]

After an upgrade of one server there have been some DNS issues, these are being worked on and normal services will be restored shortly.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[05/03/2021 11:10 AuEST]

Health is slowly improving with some minor set backs now and again. All services are running normally. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[28/01/2021 09:30 AuEST]

Slight delay dealing with mail as I'm staying with m sister after some surgey, setting up a new laptop and normal mail processing will continue by tomorrow. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[04/08/2020 11:20 AuEST]

Had some heart surgery last week and I now have a regular beat once again. Still a few issues but the general idea I get is I will continue to improve. Been a bit up and down answering emails, they will improve now. I hope everyone is keeping safe in these dangerous times and we all get through this covid 19 disaster soon. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[03/04/2020 12:12 AuEST]

Prayers are with everyone in these difficult times. It all seems rather surreal and hard to get your head around. Services are unaffected at present except connections are being difficult and flaky due to the extra load etc. Good luck to everyone.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[07/01/2020 12:15 AuEST]

Fires have been bad here in Australia but not affecting DHS services so far. Let us hope that continues.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[07/07/2019 14:00 AuEST]

Slowly working through deactivating unpaid accounts, if your hostnames don't resolve and you can't log in, this may be the reason. You will need to confirm by emailing me and then making a payment to get them back online. Thank you.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[05/06/2019 17:05 AuEST]

Been contacted by Bill. Thank you.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[03/06/2019 20:10 AuEST]

Currently fixing up some mistakes and issues I'd overlooked while I was ill. A lot of accounts were let slide and are very out of date. I'm sending out Pending Deactivation notices to fix these issues . If you get one of these make sure you check the year of your renewal date and make an appropriate payment to make the account current. If you no longer require the service nothing needs to be done as the account will be deleted shortly. For those who make a short payment I'm setting the renewal date to 30 June 2019, when that is expired you will only need to pay for the next year and that will be the new renewal date each year.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[02/06/2019 09:45 AuEST]

Been awhile but I'm working on catching up with all the DHS work. You may notice a renewal notice from me over the next few days. Been a few slip through the cracks in the database but I'm working my way through all the information now. Be sure to respond within a reasonable time if you wish to retain our services. Just so you know, the payment database isn't online and deal with it personally, a lot of manual procredures I'm afraid, maybe now I'll be able to devote more time to DHS I'll start to automate :).
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[28/03/2018 07:18 AuEST]

Started sending out renewal notices again after a long break, now I'm feeling better I'll catch up with DHS. It may take me a day or two to get back into the swing of things but you will get replies.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[02/09/2017 13:50 AuEST]

Okay, working again. Will continue to monitor.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[02/09/2017 13:12 AuEST]

Sorry, still seem to be having issues, working on it.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[02/09/2017 12:14 AuEST]

Okay, everything seems to be back to normal now. I really apologise for the downtime.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[02/09/2017 12:12 AuEST]

I believe I have managed to get back running. Not everything is functional as yet but we are getting close
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[02/09/2017 11:23 AuEST]

It is known is down and has been for some time. I've lost my connection and am on very limited capabilities, Matthew has a sick child and is unavailable. We will bring it back to full function soon as possible but please bear with us until this happens. Sorry
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[20/08/2017 013:50 AuEST]

The cardioversion didn't hold and I'm back to an irregular heartbeat unfortunately. Had acute congestive heart failure and a clot in the heart also so I haven't been too well over the last few months. I'm slowly getting back on my feet and will be catching up with all email and account processing over the next few days. I apologise for the delays and my lack of response.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[26/04/2017 019:15 AuEST]

Had another procedure on my heart called a cardioversion, it appears to have gone well with a normal beat resumed. Will catch up with email and payment processing over the next few days.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[19/03/2017 018:05 AuEST]
Recently had congestive heart failure with a few other issues and spent some time in hospital, out now and on the mend. Will catch up with mail and payment processing. Sorry for the delays.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[07/12/2016 008:02 AuEST]
I've had a really bad year with a lot of health and personal issues, this has taken a real toll on my finances and I'm finding myself unable to keep up with my bill payments. If you can see your way clear to make a donation to help me out it would be appreciated. Just visit the Make a Contribution page and scroll down to near the bottom to make a donation to help me out with paying my bills.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[07/12/2016 008:02 AuEST]
Renewal notices were late being sent out so please check your renewal dates and ensure your account is not overdue more than 12 months otherwise a double payment will be required. Sorry about that, illness and other personal issues have made this a very hard year for me.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[2/10/2016 010:30 AuEST]
We had my Mothers funeral yesterday so I'm behind in processing mail. I will catch up over the next few days.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[29/08/2016 07:30 AuEST]
I will be leaving for the local hospital shortly, I am hoping to have some surgery to correct one of my issues. It is not known at this stage how long I will be out of action and mail and other processing for DHS will be suspended until I'm back on deck.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[16/04/2016 10:20 AuEST]
I will be leaving for Sydney tomorrow and not back till Thursday, need some medical attention. I will not be doing any processing while I'm away but will catch up on my return. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[13/10/2015 10:20 AuEST]
Back, processed all the outstanding mail, I will be sending out renewal notices again soon, sorry, been too caught up with my private life to keep on top of things fully. Will get better at it from now on. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[08/10/2015 20:35 AuEST]
I'll be away from home for the next few days so processing of mail and payments will be suspended until I get back next Wednesday. Don't worry, although delayed all will be responded to. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[02/05/2015 10:47 AuEST]
DHS services are back to normal. Some bad data caused an issue with the zone loading. A fix has been implemented to stop this happening again. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[02/05/2015 10:15 AuEST]
DHS services are currently offline in some locations, investigating and normal services will be restored ASAP
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[20/03/2015 07:46 AuEST]
They didn't keep me at the hospital for long, go for a bone scan today and had a change in my medication, it is looking better. Normal services and processing is resumed.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[18/03/2015 21:53 AuEST]
Will be going back into hospital for a few days tomorrow for some more powerful antibiotic treatment, will not be processing e-mail or payments until I get out unfortunately.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[16/02/2015 20:08 AuEST]
Haven't been sending out renewal notices while I've been trying to sort out my personal life and health. I will restart sending the notices later this week and hopefully everything will be operating as per normal.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[24/01/2015 13:59 AuEST]
Been in hospital for a few days due to a foot infection, after some antibiotics and minor surgery they discharged me this morning. Hopefully I'll remain on deck going forward. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[07/01/2015 18:55 AuEST]
Just back from seeing a Doctor in Bathurst and my Internet connection is now working. For those that haven't noticed, I've been offline for a few weeks, my wife and I have called it quits after over 22 years and I have moved into a unit on the other side of town. During the moving I developed some health issues which slowed everything down and I have not been processing mail or doing other DHS work. Now I have a connection again I will catch up on the e-mail over the next few days. I am not working this week so will have time to catch up. Sorry for the inconvenience but sometimes real life intrudes into our online activities. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[25/08/2014 10:29 AuEST]
Shearing and other farm work all done and I've caught up with all outstanding e-mail and payments. All services are normal.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[19/08/2014 20:40 AuEST]
Going out to the farm tomorrow to get my shearing done, will be away 5 days with no Internet access, payments and mail will be processed on my return. All services are normal.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[12/08/2014 17:02 AuEST]
Back from Sydney and caught up with the majority of the mail. All services are normal.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[06/08/2014 18:59 AuEST]
Will be out of town in Sydney starting early tomorrow morning and will not be processing e-mail or any payments until my return late Monday 11 August 2014.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[13/05/2014 22:10 AuEST]
Will be out of town starting early tomorrow morning and will not be processing e-mail or any payments until my return late Sunday.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[06/05/2014 21:38 AuEST]
Was off the Internet for a few days due an issue with my ISP for the home connection. It will take me a few days to catch back up with all mail.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[20/02/2014 07:55 AuEST]
After a second unexpected family death delayed my return, I'm back. Normal e-mail and payment processing will resume tonight. It will take me a few days to catch back up with all mail.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[09/02/2014 10:32 AuEST]
I'll be away all next week to attend a funeral in Queensland so e-mail and payment processing will be suspended until I return.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[03/02/2014 18:19 AuEST]
Not sure what happened earlier but all services were normal very quickly this morning. All good.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[03/02/2014 08:11 AuEST]
There appears to be a DNS issue with some hosts not resolving. It is being investigated and normal services will be resumed ASAP
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[29/12/2013 08:43 AuEST]
Happy holidays to all. May the coming new year bring us all good luck and happiness. All services are normal.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[25/11/2013 21:40 AuEST]
Back home and all e-mail and payments have been processed, all services normal.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[18/11/2013 21:15 AuEST]
Going interstate to attend a funeral, will be away until Monday 25 November, e-mail and payment processing will be suspended until I return.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[12/11/2013 21:52 AuEST]
Will be out of town for the next two days, e-mail and payment processing will be suspended until I return.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[17/10/2013 07:54 AuEST]
Back, all e-mail and payments have now been processed and services are running normally.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[12/10/2013 21:58 AuEST]
I will be away till late Wednesday 16 October so e-mail and payment processing will be delayed until after my return.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[14/09/2013 21:59 AuEST]
I have added a button to accept bitcoin payments for accounts to the page. You will need to specify your own amount for the payment but keep in mind accounts only require $5 USD per year to remain active, if you wish to have extra hostnames, put in a comment. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[23/08/2013 09:37 AuEST]
Off to get my shearing done today and will be out of town and away from Internet connections for a few days. No e-mail or payment processing will occur until my return on Monday. All services are running as normal.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[20/08/2013 08:37 AuEST]
I'm back in town and have been processing the e-mails. Business as normal.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[12/08/2013 19:50 AuEST]
I'll be out of town and with limited connectivity from tomorrow till the 19th August, payments and e-mail will be processed on my return.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[01/07/2013 20:55 AuEST]
Renewal Notices, Final Notices and Deactivations are up to date, if your account has been deactivated for non-payment of the renewal notice you can have it reactivated by making the necessary payment within a reasonable time, we don't rush to totally delete accounts.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[16/06/2013 09:45 AuEST]
I'll be leaving town for a week early in the morning tomorrow so no more e-mail processing including payments till next Sunday night my time.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[16/05/2013 22:00 AuEST]
Back home and e-mail including payments has been processed, all services are normal.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[14/05/2013 21:20 AuEST]
I'll be leaving town early in the morning so no more e-mail processing including payments till Friday night my time.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[11/05/2013 09:10 AuEST]
I'll be out of town for the next two days so there will not be any e-mail processing until my return. Next week will be busy and I'll be out of town again for a few days so there will be a delay in all processing till the following week.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[27/04/2013 08:40 AuEST]
Caught up with sending out renewal notices this morning, so far only 3 bounced so the percentage of accounts with valid email addresses isn't bad. Remember, although I don't deactivate accounts when they are overdue for some time, if left too long, they will be deactivated if a renewal isn't paid within a reasonable time. I work full time and then some so please cut me some slack when waiting for a reply. I do my best to respond to all email and payments within 24 hours. Have a great weekend.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[27/02/2013 21:58 AuEST]
Due to a database corruption and subsequent repairs, there may be some old records in the systems and some of the latest updates may need to be redone. I apologise for any inconvenience but it couldn't be helped. The repairs took place on the weekend, so please check your hostnames to make sure you have the correct information.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[11/02/2013 18:55 AuEST]
I will be in Sydney from Wednesday 13 February 2013 through to Sunday 16 February 2013 so will not be processing any DHS mail over this period, actually after tomorrow morning there will not be any payment or support emails processed till after my return. I will monitor email and if there are any major support issues I'll refer them to Matthew Enger so there will not be any delay in dealing with them.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[25/12/2012 08:30 AuEST]
All the best for the holiday season to everyone. Looking forward to the New Year and the good times ahead.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[12/11/2012 21:30 AuEST]
After a hiccup with DNS servers, all services are back to normal and all hostnames will be resolving correctly again.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[12/11/2012 19:35 AuEST]
We are currently experiencing some DNS issues which are being investigated, some hostnames are not updating correctly with their new IP addresses.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[30/10/2012 20:35 AuEST]
Will be in Sydney till Thursday night, will respond to e-mail etc on my return.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[18/10/2012 20:59 AuEST]
Came back from Sydney yesterday evening, good conference with a nice venue at Manly. DHS processes up to date and systems normal.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[13/10/2012 13:26 AuEST]
Will be in Sydney for the Civica National User Group Conference Sunday through Wednesday. I will process the e-mail and other items on my return.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[17/09/2012 19:27 AuEST]
Back at work today after my leave. All services are normal.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[28/08/2012 20:41 AuEST]
Will be going out to get my shearing done tomorrow, back Saturday. There will be no processing of payments or email over the few days as I will not have Internet access. Normal processing will resume when I return. All emails and other processing will be dealt with tomorrow up till lunch time. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[25/08/2012 11:02 AuEST]
I came back earlier in the week but I've been laid up with the flu, just starting to recover. Normal processing has been resumed with renewal notices being sent out and payments being processed. Please make sure you include a valid ID or account email address when communicating with us. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[13/08/2012 18:07 AuEST]
I'll be away for the next week so no payments or renewals will be processed until my return, the only affected accounts will be any of the free 30 day account that may be deactivated while I'm away. I'll catch up with the processing on my return. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[03/06/2012 13:20 AuEST]
Checks and tests completed. All services operating as per normal, any issues please email me. Thank you for your co-operation and I apologise for any inconvenience during this necessary maintenance.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[03/06/2012 12:50 AuEST]
Database restored and checks still under way but normal services are resumed.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[03/06/2012 10:20 AuEST]
Been some database corruption, a restore is taking place. Normal services will be resumed shortly. Update will follow when restore complete.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[03/06/2012 09:20 AuEST]
The purge has been completed, deactivated accounts and hostnames have been removed from the database.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[02/06/2012 09:55 AuEST]
A database purge will occur this weekend, this means any old or deactivated accounts will no longer be available for recovery.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[12/11/2011 19:00 AuEST]
Have started deactivating accounts without a paid renewal after sending three notices. If you find your account has been deactivated, if you make a payment then it will be reactivated.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[13/05/2011 16:10 AuEST]
Still fighting the abuse of the free 30 day accounts. Although you can create an account with a free email service listed as the contact email, accounts with such addresses signed up on the free 30 day account system are likely to be suspended, this includes mail domains, and amongst others. If you must use one of those free email services for your address and find your account deactivated you will need to contact me to have the account reactivated. Best practice is to use an email address with either an ISP domain name or a valid email domain that isn't involved in the abuse. Other suspect email domains are, and domains under .info. With the free 30 day accounts, if I see suspicious looking email addresses, usernames or contact names the account may be suspended also. We have been suffering a great deal of abuse and I'm working hard to put an end to it. I apologise to any innocent parties who may have their accounts suspended due to the actions of the criminals.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[22/04/2011 11:45 AuEST]
We moved the website to another faster server, there seems to have been some dns propagation issues where some people couldn't resolve the hostnames for a period of up to 12 hours, we can't explain this as any outage should have been limited and for the majority no more than 15 minutes. If you continue to have issues please let me know. The name servers have changed to and Have a great Easter break.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[18/04/2011 18:45 AuEST]
The last renewal notices sent out were not all correct, a large number of accounts that were not yet due were sent notices. The error seems to have occurred when I updated my local database and dates are now handled differently and my script didn't take it into account. Please check your account through the members site to see your correct renewal date. I'll update the scripts and renewal notices will be correct from this point forward. Please ignore any renewal notice with an incorrect renewal date. I will process any payments sent in, ignoring the limitation on multiple year renewals on those accounts sent a mistaken notice. Feel free to wait until you get a second notice before making a payment. I apologise for the inconvenience.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[23/03/2011 23:15 AuEST]
All services are restored to normal. Thank you Matthew Enger :)
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[19/03/2011 10:55 AuEST]
The members server collapsed and is being rebuilt. There has not been any data loss and normal services are expected to be resumed on Monday or Tuesday. It will not be possible for logins or updates to work in the meantime. We apologise for the inconvenience.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[10/02/2011 19:40 AuEST]
I have cleaned up the database table for users and corrected the renewal dates. Please check your account when you next log in and email me if you believe the information to be incorrect. You may need to reconfigure or recreate hostnames so please check them also. You can update your account email address after logging in through ID Maintenance. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[07/02/2011 19:55 AuEST]
If you wish to contact me for the latest information you can RT me on Twitter.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[07/02/2011 19:45 AuEST]
I have recreated the missing accounts I had a record of. If you believe your account is still missing please email me with as much detail you can and I will investigate. I still need to go through and correct all the renewal dates for users who had payments processed between 23 November 2010 and 3 February 2011. This will take me a few days as it is partially a manual process. I will also need to go through and deactivate a number of accounts again that were not renewed during those dates and which had expired. Sorry, but hostnames may need to be recreated/reconfigured. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[06/02/2011 18:15 AuEST]
Seems a disk failure caused the database server issue. Due to a comedy of errors, the database was restored to 23 November 2010 state rather than the most current which was lost. Users will need to check their hostnames and bring the configurations up to date. I will go through the database and correct the renewal date fields to bring them up to date. Until I'm satisfied the data is back to a current state I will not be sending out renewal notices. If you find your account is missing, please email me and I'll recreate it for you. Please bear with me till the system is fully restored. Thank you.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[03/02/2011 19:28 AuEST]
We are having a problem with the database server and updating/editing of accounts and hostnames etc is affected. Logins are not possible at the present time. The issue is being worked on and we expect normal services to be restored shortly. Thank you.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[17/10/2010 21:15 AuEST]
We continue to have the free 30 day accounts abused so free accounts with questionable email addresses are being deactivated, this includes Gmail a lot of the time. Sorry, but to stop the abuse I'm afraid there may be some valid accounts deactivated also. Best practice for trialing the free accounts is to use an ISP email address and to use your real name so the account isn't lumped in with the abusers. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[13/10/2009 22:35 AuEST]
The members server is back up and all services have been returned to normal. Thank you for your patience. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[13/10/2009 21:40 AuEST]
The members server is currently not responding, it is being worked on and normal services will be restored ASAP.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[01/09/2009 09:40 AuEST]
Back from my trip to Queensland, went from Winter to a heat wave and then back to frosty mornings. Will start processing DHS International email again starting today, may take me a day or two to catch back up. Seems we have been having some mail and DNS issues with a server in the USA playing up and some firewall settings being too restrictive. These issues should be resolved by the end of the day. Nothing too serious and shouldn't cause users any problems, just some slight delays. Enjoyed my holiday and hope everyone else had a good time also. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[13/08/2009 11:10 AuEST]
I'm on leave at the moment and will be out of town for the next two weeks. No payments or accounts will be processed until my return. Don't be dismayed if you have made a payment and the renewal date hasn't changed yet or you haven't heard back from me. I'll process all the payments and send out notifications on my return. No accounts will be deactivated or deleted during this period aside from the free 30 day accounts. Unfortunately, if you are making your first payment and the account hasn't been converted from the free 30 day status and it expires while I'm away, it may be deleted. In those situations a new account will be created and credited. There shouldn't be anyone disadvantaged by my failure to process mail during the two weeks. Unfortunately I will have extremely limited Internet access while away and it will be impossible for me to process mail or accounts. All email and payments will be processed on my return. Enjoy.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[17/06/2009 20:43 AuEST]
DHS was being abused by criminals and during the clean up some of the valid free 30 day accounts may have been disabled. Contact me if you believe this may have happened to your account.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[21/05/2009 14:28 AuEST]
I'm now on Twitter, If you wish to be bored to tears, have a look. Will update when I remember. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[21/05/2009 09:40 AuEST]
Back from the bush. Normal processing of mail and payments is resumed. Enjoyed the change :).
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[14/05/2009 09:40 AuEST]
I'll be out of town and without Internet access for the next 5-6 days. No payments or email will be processed during this time. This also means no accounts will be manually disabled or deleted. Only the automatic suspension after 30 days for the free accounts will be in operation. So if your free account expires and is disabled during this time your payment will not be processed and the account restored until my return. Sorry about the delay but I need a break and am going bush. Any technical issues will be handled as per normal by Matthew Enger so the service will continue as normal. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

[12/11/2008 22:16 AuEST]
Okay, I've caught up with all the mail and payments I'm aware of. If you find your renewal date is incorrect then please email me so I can check. I've been adding three months extra time to accounts as I process the renewals as compensation for the outage. If you haven't already please check your account to ensure the data is accurate. I'll be starting to send out renewal notices and maintaining the accounts as per normal over the next week. Work will continue to make the services more redundant to reduce outages and data loss. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[04/11/2008 21:45 AuEST]
Members is back up and all services are functioning again. An email will be sent to all active members asking them to log in and check the information for their accounts and hostnames as we had to restore from an older backup.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[04/11/2008 07:40 AuEST]
Waiting to find out what new problems have arisen, will post as news comes to hand. The server is still out of action.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[01/11/2008 12:20 AuEST]
Some good news, the Members server should be back in operation by tomorrow.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[26/10/2008 08:55 AuEST]
Sorry to say Members is still down and the latest report I heard suggested it could be another week before it is back up. We just have to wait it out I'm afraid.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[20/10/2008 21:10 AuEST]
Getting a lot closer, latest delay was getting an increase in storage space on the new server to hold the databases that are being restored. I've been told this should happen tonight and then things should move along a lot faster. Extremely sorry I haven't been able to provide more timely and accurate information but I'm not directly involved with the rebuild and restore unfortunately. Communications have been a real bugbear with this latest incident.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[13/10/2008 22:45 AuEST]
Sorry, been some delays in getting the restore happening. If it goes well, it will be back up Wednesday. Will keep you advised.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[12/10/2008 09:45 AuEST]
We have been unable to bring the members server back up long enough to enable us to pull the data and at this point we are going to restore from backup today and bring members back up without the original data set. This may mean some loss of data and a need to reestablish some data relationships. We will know more once the server and data is back online and we can inspect it better. We will keep you posted as the restore process progresses. Please be patient and keep watching this space for updates.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[02/10/2008 07:55 AuEST]
The Members server was up for awhile yesterday and we thought we had things back under control but it all went pear shaped again. Main problem is the power supply at the Data Centre. We are working on bringing all services back to normal but it is taking far longer than anticipated. Please be patient.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[22/09/2008 11:10 AuEST]
The members server has gone pear shaped and services are affected. It is being worked on and normal services will be restored ASAP. Sorry no ETA on the resolution at this time.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[18/09/2008 07:15 AuEST]
Everything was restored to normal operations just before midnight last night my time. Don't know what happened exactly as yet.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[17/09/2008 21:35 AuEST]
Just home from work and I see the server is still offline. Have rung the ISP in the US again and he is contacting the technician for us to find out what is going on. Since it is still early morning there, he might not be able to get the server back up for a few more hours. Will be onto it again in the morning my time.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[17/09/2008 08:02 AuEST]
Normal services will be restored within the next two hours. A technician at the ISP is looking into it now and we have been told the server will be back online within the hour.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[16/09/2008 21:35 AuEST]
The members site is currently down and has been for a couple of hours. Have been trying to get it back up and hopefully it will be by morning when the ISP can get in to have a look at it. Unfortunately due to time zone differences there is little we can do at the moment. We will make every effort to restore normal services ASAP.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[18/08/2008 07:48 AuEST]
I'm back from a great time at the SAGE-AU 16th Annual Conference in Adelaide. Mail and payment processing will be resumed tonight.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[11/08/2008 07:55 AuEST]
I'll be in Adelaide attending the SAGE-AU conference 12-16 August 2008 so mail and payments will not be processed until my return on the weekend. All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[16/05/2008 10:50 AuEST]
I'm back and everything has returned to normal. Enjoyed the break and had a good rest from computing. Back to the regular grind now :).
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[04/05/2008 14:30 AuEST]
No payments or e-mail will be responded to over the next 8 days. I'm taking a holiday and will be dealing with all e-mail and payments on my return. No new accounts will be processed either. Overdue accounts will not be terminated until my return. If your free 30 day trial expires whilst I'm away I'm afraid the account will remain deactivated until I return. Hope you all enjoy your week like I intend to :). All the best.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[19/02/2008 07:45 AuEST]
Our ISP has relocated us and we are being put onto a different IP range, there will be issues with connecting to today and possibly tomorrow.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[01/01/2008 11:15 AuEST]
Happy New Year everyone, looking forward to a good year in 2008.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[22/11/2007 21:45 AuEST]
Just to let you know we are still about and kicking. Everything is normal. :)
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[04/07/2006 22:35 AuEST]
Sorry but the websites were down for awhile today, everything is back to normal again now.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[28/03/2006 08:00 AuEST]
Systems are coming back online. Our ISP sprung a move and IP change on us with no notice (we found out same time you did!). We have restored services as quickly as we can but some people will notice things are not right due to dns not completely propagating yet. Hopefully another 24 hours and things will be back to normal. Our apologies for this and are working with our ISP to ensure this does not happen again.
Matthew Enger
[25/03/2006 16:05 AuEST]
Back home and catching up on email. Next week 28-30 March 2006 I'll be down in Sydney for Linux World. If you are there drop into the OSIA stand on Wednesday afternoon to meet me or the Linux Au stand on Thursday afternoon. I'll be wandering around the rest of the three days :).
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[19/03/2006 21:38 AuEST]
There may be delays in answering emails over the next week or so as I'm away for the next five days and the same the following week. Please be patient, I will reply when available again.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[27/12/2005 21:30 AuEST]
We wish everyone all the best for the holiday season and new year. We hope all your dreams and resolutions for the next year come true.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[06/10/2005 21:15 AuEST]
The members server is currently offline whilst our ISP moves things around. Normal services should be restored by morning. We apologise for the inconvenience.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[25/06/2005 18:45 AuEST]
I was shocked and saddened to hear of the recent death of Nigel MacFarlane. Nigel was a Mozilla developer and contributer to the Open Source community. He will be missed. Rest in peace Nigel.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[26/04/2005 17:43 AuEST]
We have just moved to new ip addresses after one of ours stoped working and some others seemed to have been swtched off. DNS has been updated and hopefully services will come back to normal shortly.
Matthew Enger
[25/04/2005 19:55 AuEST]
I have been in Canberra for LCA2005 the last week. Had a great time and would highly recommend attending the next conference in NZ. Had some problems with my laptop so mail processing has been delayed. Will catch up by tomorrow.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[26/02/2005 19:00 AuEST]
The wedding was great and Matthew and Laura are now on their honeymoon. Members down in Tasmania may catch a glimpse of them, Matthew will be the bloke with the silly grin holding the hand of a pretty girl :). They will be back in a few weeks.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[18/02/2005 22:40 AuEST]
I'll be leaving early tomorrow to attend Matthew Enger's wedding on Sunday so email processing will be held up for a few days, don't worry, all mail will be processed on my return. Congratulations to Matthew and Laura on their coming nuptials :).
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[23/01/2005 13:10 AuEST]
All services have been restored to normal operation. A UPS at one of the data centres had gone out and taken one of our main servers offline. It is now back up and fully operational.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[23/01/2005 09:45 AuEST]
One of the main DHS servers is currently experiencing issues which is affecting dynamic DNS updates. Normal services will be restored ASAP.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[24/12/2004 18:20 AuEST]
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. Happy holidays to those who follow a different path.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[06/11/2004 21:32 AuEST]
All accounts now have a hostname limit of four or greater, we hope you enjoy the extra benefits. All new accounts will now get a hostname limit of four instead of the previous standard two.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.
[20/10/2004 20:30 AuEST]
I've been ill the last 4 days and mail/payments have not been processed. Normal processing will restart tomorrow evening unless I have a relapse. I apologise for the delays.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch
[10/09/2004 00:12 AuEST]
After much demand, the system has been upgraded to support a second mail exchanger and the ability to define the txt dns record. If you wish to use SPF you can now do so through host management. Please let us know what you think.
Matthew Enger
[29/07/2004 08:30 AuEST]
If you have a problem with your account remember to email us or contact us with an email address other than one related to your account otherwise we may not be able to email back to you. Accounts deactivated for overdue renewal will be reactivated and resume normal operation once a payment is recorded. Accounts are only deactivated after two notices are sent out but we send to the listed contact addresses and if they are invalid or have a problem, you may not get to see the notices and the first indication will be when the account stops working. Please check your renewal dates available when you log into your account on a regular basis. Thank you.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch
[30/04/2004 03:31 AuEST]
Systems are now running normally.
Matthew Enger
[30/04/2004 00:50 AuEST]
Systems are temporarily down for maintenance, things should be back up shortly once database migration has completed. ETA 1 hour. During this time updating of account details will be unavailable and AtHome will also be unavailable.
Matthew Enger
[30/03/2004 21:10 AuEST]
Purging of unfinancial accounts will take place over the next ten days. If your account doesn't show a valid renewal date it will be deactivated. We are still waiting to hear from the Astronomical Soc of TAS about their account but it is believed all other accounts are up to date and credited correctly.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch
[07/03/2004 23:59 AuEST]
Can the Astronomical Soc of TAS Inc. contact us about their payment please.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch
[04/03/2004 21:20 AuEST]
It has come to our attention that there are emails circulating pertaining to be from containing attachments the email is trying to get users to open. These emails have forged headers and the file is most likely a virus or trojan. DO NOT OPEN SUCH ATTACHMENTS. The mail did not come from us. Always make sure you virus scan email before previewing or opening any attachment. You should also make sure your virus scanner is up to date. New virus threats are appearing every day. Take care and if you have already opened such an attachment, visit one of the online virus scanning sites to check your system
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch
[24/02/2004 20:58 AuEST]
#### IMPORTANT #####
Please check your account and if you believe it is showing incorrect payment information or renewal date please contact me ASAP. If you require assistance or haven't had a response from a previous email contact us again. I have gone through the backlog of payments and email responding to all I could see requiring a response but there may be some missed. I am back on deck now and responses should be within 24 hours. Accounts remaining with blank or all zero renewal dates will be deactivated and then deleted in early March.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch
[08/02/2004 10:20 AuEST]
Due to the huge backlog of mail I currently have, payment processing and responding to email is going slowly. I will post a notice here when I am all caught up. On the bright side, my sight has improved slightly and I now have new glasses which means I can read again. :).
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch
[25/12/2003 11:50 AuEST]
Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season from the DHS team.

[21/12/2003 19:30 AuEST]
Services should all be back to normal. There was downtime since yesterday due to a fibre break upstream of our ISP and beyond our control.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch
[16/12/2003 22:10 AuEST]
Due to recent surgery and an eye infection payment processing is halted for the time being. Processing will start again in a few days when I have recovered. All accounts should be active and no user should suffer any inconvenience from this. I apologise for the delays in responding to email but assure you all will be replied to ASAP. Thank you for your patience.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch
[11/12/2003 19:15 AuEST]
Due to my ill health, processing and reactivation of accounts with late payments was going slowly and we decided to reactivate all accounts until such time as the processing of the late payments can be caught up with. Account information displayed in the Members area will not show the correct renewal dates until such time as we have processed all the late payments. We apologise for the delays but it was beyond our control.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch
[27/11/2003 07:45 AuEST]
Processing of late payments and re-activation of accounts will occur ASAP. Depending on time available and volumes there may be small delays but all will be responded to.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch
[02/11/2003 18:15 AuEST]
Deactivation of unpaid accounts will now commence. Please check your account to ensure you have been credited correctly and e-mail us if necessary.
[06/10/2003 11:05 AuEST]
The end of October is the deadline for all renewals. Over the next week any overdue free accounts will be deactivated and any accounts not renewed by the end of October will be deactivated in early November.
[26/08/2003 21:10 AuEST]
Renewels are now due for accounts over 12 months old and notices will be emailed out over the next two weeks. All trial accounts over 30 days old will soon be deactivated and deleted unless a payment is recorded for them. We will be becoming stricter regarding account maintenance. The service is going strong and will continue to grow. Payments can be made through the Making a Contribution Page.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch
[26/08/2003 21:08 AuEST]
If you are having problems getting a new password or account activation email it may be due to your mail server using a black list which has the IP address range we are in listed. It appears the whole B class has been listed. We are working on this but it appears the only solution is to change to a new IP range and this takes a little time. I must stress the listings were not due to any action on our part, we are the innocent victims in this. If possible try another email address and/or request our mail server/IP addresses are white listed with your ISP/Administrators. Sorry for the inconvenience but it is beyond our control.
Darryl (Dassa) Lynch
[06/08/2003 14:23 AuEST]
We are finally back up. Due to our upstream providers' router dying our ISP lost connectivity. We apologise for the inconvenience this has caused. Everything should now be back to normal.
[03/05/2003 19:00 AuEST]
We have just been informed that our systems will be offline between 6am and 6pm PST while the building they are in run a power test. We appologise for the inconvience this will cause.
[12/12/2002 22:05 AuEST]
There will be an unscheduled maintance for the next hour while some important changes are made.
[08/12/2002 16:00 AuEST]
There will be a scheduled server maintance between 22:00 and 24:00 on Monday 9th December while some maintance is preformed. During this time AtHome and dyndns updates will be offline.
[08/12/2002 15:56 AuEST]
Services resumed.
[08/12/2002 15:26 AuEST]
Services will be tempoarly suspended while some maintance is preformed. Services should be out for about 30 minutes. Sorry for any inconvience this cuases.
[28/11/2002 11:54 AuEST]
Services have now resumed.

[28/11/2002 11:13 AuEST]
Services have been temporarly suspended while our ISP does some maintance to the systems, services should resume very shortly.
[15/07/2002 19:45 AuEST]

All non-contributing accounts have been deactivated. These accounts can be reclaimed till the end of August by making a contribution of $5 USD per account as indicated at Making a Contribution.

[15/07/2002 18:05 AuEST]

Deactivation of non-contributing accounts has started, contact if you wish to reclaim a disabled account!

Payment information in the members area should be up to date. If you check your account and it doesn't show the correct payment status please email with full details.
If your payment has been delayed for any reason please email with details to ensure your account is not deactivated at the deadline.
Due to the number of questions regarding guarantees I am going to go out on a limb and give the guarantee services will continue for contributors until July 2003.
Please note any account deactivations are solely due to those accounts having invalid contact email addresses and is not related to contribution requests!

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch

[10/06/2002 21:30 AuEST]

A letter has been sent to all users concerning the need for DHS International to get contributions from users to continue. You can read the letter from the link in this notice. All current and new users are expected to contribute. Non-contibution will result in accounts being terminated. Please read the letter and make a contribution if you wish to continue using our services. If you no longer require our services you need not do anything.

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch

[10/06/2002 20:57 AuEST]

An account purge is taking place where accounts with invalid email addresses are being removed. This may result in restricted access whilst the purge is taking place.

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch

[09/06/2002 12:30 AuEST]

Terms of Service have been updated, please review them.

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch

[06/06/2002 15:00 AuEST]

Services have resumed after a power failure at the new hosting site. An investigation is continuing as to the reason behind the failure but services have been restored. Services were affected for about 3 hours.


[03/06/2002 14:00 AuEST]

Services have been resumed and things appear to be operating normally. DHS Staff will continue to monitor the servers closely. If you do spot any problems, please email

Some people may however not be able to access services for several hours as DNS is still propagating. Please check that points to before complaining.


[28/05/2002 20:45 AuEST]

Over recent days DHS International has been made aware the current hosting service we utilise will be cutting connections at the end of the month. DHS International has been working with our current and future ISP to minimise disruptions to users but due to circumstances beyond our control it will be impossible for us to maintain all normal services.

In a few hours, the DHS International servers will be disconnected from the Internet to allow for shipping to a new hosting location.

This means the following:

Static IP hostnames and domain name services will remain in place Dynamic IP hostnames and domain name services will remain in place But no changes will be possible to any user records for a period of 7-10 days whilst the servers are shipped and re-installed at the new location.

AtHome services will be unavailable for the shipping/install period and will be disfunctional for the full 7-10 days.

We apologise for the inconvenience. We have striven to maintain all services but unfortunately it turns out to be impossible in this instance.

You will be informed of all developments regarding this and other changes that may be forced on us in a further email after all plans are finalised.
